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Archives Reference Policies and Procedures: Step 4: Record Resources Used

Step 4: Record Resources Used

WorldShare Management Services or WMS is the management system used to track the archival resources used by patrons and Archives staff. Anytime you or a patron you are assisting uses a resource from the Archives, record that resource in WMS.


How to record a resource:

  1. Login to WMS
  2. Select SEBTS Library and click OK.
  3. Select Circulation from the menu at the top of the screen.
  4. Select Check in from the menu on the left side of the screen.
  5. (Important) Make sure to select "Non Loan Return" in the Check In Mode drop down menu.
  6. Select network printer under the receipt option drop down menu.
  7. Click in the blank labeled "Item Barcode" and scan each resource that was used.
  8. At the end of your shift, click receipt at the bottom of the page to print a list of the resources accessed during your shift and bring those to Drew's desk in the Dig Lab.
  9. Logout of WMS.