"Not having heard something is not as good as having heard it; having heard it is not as good as having seen it; having seen it is not as good as knowing it; knowing it is not as good as putting it into practice."
- John Knoblock translation of "Xunzi" by Xun Kuang (312-230 B.C.) Book 8, Chapter 11.
Welcome! This guide is designed to help you navigate researching the basics of teaching including specific topics like: Online Teaching, High School Teaching, and Cross-Cultural Teaching. It is primarily focused on different strategies and aspects of teaching rather than content.
Where to Start
The lists and topics in this guide are not an exhaustive display of the resources provided by SEBTS. Rather, the purpose of these lists is to provide a starting place for students who are beginning the research process in a new field.
Also beneficial to the researching student is the Guide "Research Process." There you will find a comprehensive introduction to the academic research and writing process as well as some helpful resources concerning research appointments, bibliography, and citation help.
Library of Congress Subject Heading Outlines
LA - History of Education
LB - Theory and Practice of Education
LC - Special Aspects of Education
LD - Individual Institutions - United States
LE - Individual Institutions - America (except United States)
LF - Individual Institutions - Europe
LG - Individual Institutions - Africa, Asia, Australia, Indian Ocean Islands, New Zealand, Pacific Islands
LH - College and School Magazines and Papers
LJ - Student Fraternities and Societies, United States
LT - Textbooks