-Isaiah 45:18
Lawrence White
This guide has been designed and the material within compiled to aid you in your research of a wide range of theological perspectives on the Doctrine of God. It is not exhaustive. Rather, it offers tools by which one may be introduced to the specific doctrine and, by utilizing the bibliographic material provided within the resources suggested, one may find further valuable sources.
The blue tabs at the top of this page will give you quick access to these compilations. For your convenience, some sources have been formatted with both "print" and "E-Book" links. The order of the tabs (from left to right) will also prompt you to begin your research with fact-finding tools such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. As you move through the tabs, the sources provided will help you to narrow your approach from topic to thesis.
The link included below will provide the E-Book version of a handy resource which you may also borrow from the reference desk while you are in the library.