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Doctrine of Sin (Hamartiology): Home


"The doctrine of original sin is the only empirically verifiable doctrine of the Christian Faith."

- Reinhold Niebuhr


How to Use this Guide

This research guide is designed to provide students with resources on the Doctrine of Sin. The first page (Dictionaries/Encyclopedias) provides a list of dictionaries which give the student an introduction to general and specific issues related to the doctrine of sin. The second page (Original Sin and Actual Sin) lists books in our Catalog on the origin of sin and the spread of sin in the world. The third page (Sin and Human Nature) lists books on the extent of sin in human nature (total depravity vs. prevenient grace). The fourth page (The Christian and Sin) lists books in our Catalog on sin and temptation in the life of the Christian. The fifth page provides a list of Journal Articles available in ATLA on all of these topics. For further assistance please contact us at and 919-761-2258. You can also setup a research appointment here if you would like guided help with your project. 

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