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Library Talks (Previous Talks): Previous Talks

Previous Talks on Vimeo

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Fall 2019

Dr. Chuck Lawless, VP for Spiritual Formation, and Dr. Jim Shaddix, W.A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching, discussed the important discipline of prayer. They directly related it to the life of a minister and an academic, but the discussion applied to everyone.

Our own Dr. Ken Keathley hosted this Library Talk. They discussed Lee Strobel's approach to writing books, the impact of his work, and his personal life.

Dr. Michael F. Bird, Lecturer of Theology at Ridley College in Australia, returned to the US and visited SEBTS. He, along with Dr. John Hammett (Senior Professor of Systematic Theology and the John Leadley Dagg Chair of Systematic Theology) and Dr. Scott Hildreth (Assistant Professor of Global Studies and George Liele Director of the Center for Great Commission Studies) discussed the subject of ecclesiology from an Anglican, Baptist, and Missions perspective.

Fall 2018

In this Library Talk, Dougald McLaurin will talk with Dr. Malcolm Yarnell about the church's need for you to pursue academics with excellence while in school. Dr. Yarnell is Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has published several books on Christian doctrine, the Trinity, and the Reformation.

Sam Williams, Fulp Professor of Biblical Counseling Chair, discusses the topic of Recognizing and Responding to Abuse in the Church with a panel consisting of Brad Hambrick, Jeremy Pierre, and Kristin Kellen. Kristin Kellen and Brad Hambrick are both professors of Biblical Counseling at SEBTS and Jeremy Pierre is the Chair of the Department of Biblical Counseling and Family Ministry at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Fall 2017

Thomas Kidd, Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, and Keith Harper, Senior Professor of Baptist Studies at Southeastern Seminary, discuss "Writing and Managing the Academic Life" as part of the Library Talk.

Timothy George, Dean of Beeson Divinity School, and Dougald Mclaurin, Reference Coordinator of the Library at Southeastern, discuss how we should study the Reformation, along with a look at the study habits of the Reformers as part of the Library Talk.

Michael Bird, a lecturer in Theology and Czar of Postgradistan at Ridley College in Melbourne, and Dougald McLaurin, Reference Coordinator of the Library at Southeastern, discuss the New Perspective on Paul Debate for the local church as part of the Library Talk.

Fall 2016

John Hammett, Keith Whitfield, Jeremy Evans, and Dougald McLaurin come together to discuss practical ways to help you read well, take notes, and manage your time as a student.

Dougald McLaurin and Craig Bartholomew discuss what it means to be a well rounded scholar during a Library Talk at Southeastern Seminary.

Fall 2015

David Beck, Benjamin Merkle, Tracy McKenzie, and Dougald McLaurin, come together to discuss the importance of biblical languages.

Dougald McLaurin interviews Russell Moore about his new book "Onward: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel" in a library talk.

Spring 2020

Library Talk with Robert Smith, Jr., Professor of Christian Preaching at Beeson Divinity School, discussing many aspects of Preaching.

2019 Spring

Bryan Chapell, Senior Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois, and Jake Pratt, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics, discuss issues related to Christ Centered or Christo-Centric Hermeneutics at the Library at Southeastern.

Dr. Colin Adams from Saint Augustine, Dr. Will Willimon from Duke, and Dr. Donald G. Mathews from UNC and the Rev. James White discuss the historical and psychological impact of lynching and how it affects your ministry.

Spring 2018

Dr. Seth Postell, Dr. Tracy McKenzie, and Dougald McLaurin discuss the finer points of Compositional Theology and the legacy of Dr. John Sailhamer. All three panelists were students of Dr. Sailhamer and have been impacted by his teaching and life.

Dr. James K. A. Smith discusses Cultural Liturgies, Christian Education, and the Student. Dr. Smith will expound on his view of Christian Education and discuss how students can grow in a formative educational environment.

Dr. John Meade, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Phoenix Seminary, Dr. Scott Kellum, Professor of New Testament and Greek at Southeastern Seminary, Dr. Steve McKinion, Associate Professor of Theology and Patristic Studies at Southeastern Seminary, and Dougald McLaurin, Reference Coordinator at The Library at Southeastern Seminary discuss the early church, their canon lists, and the formation of the Christian canon during this Library Talk.

Spring 2017

Stephen Eccher & Bruce Gordon discuss the reformation and its impact on the 21st century.

Bruce Ashford answers questions about engaging in political discourse as a Christian. He has written the book One Nation Under God with Chris Pappalardo. He has also authored several articles concerning Christians and their role in politics on Fox News and the Gospel Coalition. He is also the Provost at SEBTS.

Spring 2016

Todd Borger and Amy Whitfield interview Paul House at a Southeastern Library Talk.

Join Amanda Aucoin, Keith Harper, Adrianne Miles, and Dougald McLaurin as they discuss what education and an academic career looks like for women.

Spring 2015

Heath Thomas, Walter Strickland, Chip Hardy, and Dougald McLaurin come together to discuss what the Ph.D program is and how students can know if it's right for them.

Chuck Quarles, Nathan Finn, Matthew Mullins, and Dougald McLaurin discuss how to develop the habit of writing.

Bruce Ashford, Greg Mathias, George Robinson, and Dougald McLaurin come together to discuss how to use your scholarship effectively for the Kingdom.