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No one enters into the real joy of the Lord in spite of the hard times — but squarely through the door of the hard times.

                                                                                                              -Ann Voskamp

Former Contributors

Abraham Paniagua

How to Best Use This Guide

This guide is designed to provide introductory, intermediate, and advanced research helps in the field of biblical and Christian counseling. This guide is not committed to a particular philosophy of biblical or Christian counseling. Instead, this guide presents resources from every stream of Christian counseling represented in academia today. The first page, "Research Dictionaries/Encyclopedias" is the place to begin if you are starting your research in counseling or if you want introductory material on a paper/research project. The "Methodology in Counseling" page introduces the student to resources from the two major schools in Christian counseling today. The "Textbooks" page will provide overview materials in the field of counseling. These resources will encourage you to pursue the topics in counseling at a deeper level. The "Journals" page is meant to give you access to advanced, technical articles in the field of counseling.

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Call Numbers and Subject Headings


BV 4000 - 4470 Pastoral Theology

Library of Congress Subject Headings