This section contains helpful resources for beginning your research, how to interact with resources, how to cite resources correctly, and where to go for more focused help on the various steps of your research.
Research appointments can be done over the phone—these take roughly 30-60 minutes. You may need to check your spam folder for a reply from us.
Our LibGuides are detailed guides that will walk you through subjects, tools, and classes at SEBTS.
We also have chat boxes on the side of some of our library webpages for instant access to all of your research needs.
Finally, check out our FAQ page for any and all questions you may have about the library and/or school.
If you still have questions and would like to talk with one of our Library Assistants feel free to call us (919-761-2258) or email us (
The purpose of an assignment calculator is to help you break down and organize your assignments and projects into a timeline of manageable steps.
Visit our FAQ page for an answer to any question you have. If you still cannot find an answer, the Reference Assistant is the point person for distance students at the library and would be happy to assist you. The Reference Assistant can be reached by email at: