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GO Search: Refining Your Results

One Search to Rule Them All

Limiting to a Specific Database

GO Search allows you to limit your results. These limiters will be useful if you are looking for particular types of items or a particular database.

  1. These limiters will filter your results for special types of content.
    • Full-text will provide only those items that in are PDF and e-book formats.
    • Available in Library Collection Some content in GO Search is pulled from other databases that we do not subscribe to (e.g. JSTOR). This will limit your results to the Alcott Catalog and other databases that we subscribe to full-text content.
    • Peer Reviewed will limit your results to peer reviewed, or scholarly, journal articles.
  2. These limiters will filter your results only to source types that you are interested in seeing in your results list.
    • E.g. If you want only e-books you can just click the check box by e-books and those will be the only results in your results list.
  3. These limiters will filter your results to results pulled from particular databases.
    • ​​E.g. if you only want to see what is in ATLASerials Religion Collection. Click the check box by that databases and only ATLASerials Religion Collection will appear in your results list.



Connecting With Other Resources

GO Search will connect you with other content depending on your search terms.

  1. Research Starter: The search for "John Calvin" brought up a Research Starter in the results lists. Research Starters are resources that provide you with an overview of your topic, connect you with important works related to your search term, and provide recommendations for other content for further study.
  2. Credo Reference: The Credo Reference widget will search our Credo Database for your search term and display the results for you. Think of Credo as a scholarly Wikipedia. These entries function a lot like the Research Starters mentioned above.
  3. Worldcat & Proquest: These two databases are not searchable in GO Search. However, you may connect to their content by clicking on these links. This will transfer your search parameters over to these databases so that you can continue your research there. Worldcat is a great resource for finding books from other libraries. It is also our main venue for Inter-Library Loan for books. Proquest Dissertations is a collection of dissertations and theses; most of them in PDF format.

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