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Christian Ethics: Home

Library Assitant

Former Contributors

Zack Locklear



The purpose of this guide is to to aid students who are new or unfamiliar with the sources available to them through the SEBTS library in the field of Christian ethics. This guide is not intending to display an exhaustive range of the resources that the SEBTS library has to offer, but instead it focuses on the common research interests of the institution and the student body.

Where to start

Generally speaking, it is a good idea to begin your research with dictionaries and introductory works. These resource will provide you with a short, scholarly article from which you often can pull additional recommended resources located at the end of each entry. After you have consulted the dictionaries and encyclopedias, this guide provides you with broad categories on popular hot-button issues in Christian ethics. Often, students will be able to locate books that are relevant to their research topic grouped in the stacks. Call numbers loosely categorize by subject matter. 

Schedule an appointment

It is highly advised that students who are looking to improve their research method schedule a research appointment with a member of the library staff weeks before the assignment is due. Generally, these appointments give a brief introduction to the research process and provide the student with 1-on-1 assistance with a trained member of the library staff on the student's particular research project. 

Call Numbers and Subject Headings