This section of the guide explains how to request books that we do not currently own in our library collection through the WorldCat database. Sometimes you will also request journal articles by ILL through WorldCat. However, you can only search journal titles and not individual journal articles within WorldCat. If we own the item in any form, please visit the library to access the material. If you are a distance student, please visit the Distance Student Guide for more information on how to request items that the library owns.
Common Mistakes With Submitting (Check Your Submissions Before Sending)
In order to request a resource by ILL:
1. Access our library catalog on
2. Search our catalog using the search box to see if the book you are looking for is available in our collection as a book or ebook.
3. If the item is not available in the collection, click on "Libraries Worldwide" in the left sidebar under "Held by Library."
4. If you find an item you would like to request, click on it and then select "Request item from another library." If you don't find what you're looking for, skip down to Step 10.
5. Scroll down to the request form and fill in the required information. Make sure your ID number is filled in correctly (including 000).
6. Note: If you only want a certain section within the book (a chapter, an essay...), choose "Article - Copy" under the heading "Service Type." Let us know in the comments box what chapter or section you would like.
7. In case you are pressed for time, you may want to name an amount you would be willing to pay for the ILL item. We will always first try to get a requested item from libraries that do not charge for ILLs, but in case an ILL fee applies, you will save time if you already provide us with an amount you would be willing to pay.
8. Submit your request once all necessary fields are filled in.
9. For Distance Students: We send you the ILL item for free, but take into consideration that you will need to send it back to us on your expenses. As always, we recommend you insure any books you send to us to avoid paying for a replacement should the book get lost.
10. Finally, if you can't find what you need, feel free to submit a request to our manual ILL request form. Please only use the form if you can't find what you need using the steps above.