In order to setup Add-ins in Zotero:
1. Click "Tools" then "Preferences" (Windows) or "Zotero" then "Preferences" (Mac).
2. Click "Cite."
3. Click "Install Microsoft Word add-in."
4. Click "Okay."
How to Use Add-Ins in Word:
1. Make sure that you have downloaded add-ins.
2. Click the footnote icon.
3. Choose your citation style.
4. Type in the source that you are looking for in the Dialog Box.
5. Click the desired source.
6. Click the source "bubble" and edit page numbers.
7. Click enter and the footnote will be successfully added.
8. When you remove footnotes it is important to click the Zotero Refresh button. However, when you add footnotes you do not need to click the Zotero Refresh button.
In order to Import Bibliographies into Zotero:
1. Click Insert Bibliography Add-in.
2. Carefully edit the bibliography to make sure the format is correct.
3. If you remove a footnote, click the Zotero refresh button and the bibliography will follow suit.
4. If you add a footnote, click the Zotero refresh button and the bibliography will follow suit.
In order to manually add a footnote:
1. Click Insert footnote.
2. Open Zotero.
3. Select the item you want to cite.
4. Right click the item and click create bibliography from item.
5. Choose your citation style.
6. Choose notes and copy to clipboard.
7. Return to word document and paste the item.
In order to manually add a bibliography (similar to manually adding a footnote):
1. Open Zotero.
2. In Zotero, highlight all documents that you want to add to your bibliography (Command+Click for Macs or CTRL+Click for WIndows).
3. Right click and select, "Create Bibliography from Items."
4. Create bibliography from items.
5. Choose bibliography rather than footnotes.
6. Same process as the previous video.
6. Paste into your document.