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Searching SEBTS Databases: ATLA Religion Database

When To Use ATLA Database

ATLA Database is one of the best databases to find journal articles about biblical, theological, and religious studies. Many of these articles you will be able to view online. For anything that cannot be viewed online, you will either have access through our print holdings or through Inter-Library Loan.

Beyond Basic Searches in ATLA

There are several unique ways of searching in ATLA Database that will help you find materials by searching beyond the basic keyword, subject, title, and author searches.

  • Journal Title Search: Have you ever wondered if a particular journal is in the ATLA Database? Choose "source" from the dropdown menu beside the search box and type in the journal title. This will pull up all the articles from that journal if that journal is found within the database.
  • Scripture Passage Search: A scripture citation search allows you to find journal articles that discuss certain scripture passages. For example, if you want to see all the articles that discuss Genesis 22:1-14 then you will choose "Scripture Citation" from the dropdown menu next to the search box and type in "Genesis 22:1 - 14" or "Genesis 22:1 - 22:14."
    • Tip: If there are no results try searching the index using "Scripture Citation."  (See the video below starting at 2:20 for more information on searching indexes).
  • Searching for Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic Terms: You can search for specific biblical language terms by conducting an Index search in ATLA Database. The index search can be found on the blue bar across the top under "More." Once there, you'll see two search boxes. Above the bottom search box will be a dropdown menu. Choose "Subjects All."  Next, type the following terms in the "Browse for" search bar. Be sure to include a space on either side of "--". We'll demonstrate with Hebrew:
    • Hebrew Language -- terms -- (insert transliteration for Hebrew term)
      • Tip: ATLA uses their own transliteration symbols. A single quotation mark (') will function for Alef and Ayin.

Benefits of Creating an ATLA Database Account

If you create an account in ATLA database you are creating an account in all EBSCO databases, including GO Search. Most of the benefits for one EBSCO database are present in them all with the biggest difference being in what content you can access. This is especially true for E-book databases. 

What are the benefits of creating an account with ATLA?

  • Save Searches/Create Folders: You can organize your research by choosing particular items in your searches to be stored in folders. This is a great way to keep track of all the resources that you will need for your research.
  • Create a Search Alert: Do you have a topic/search that you want to remain up-to-date on? Create a search alert to email you so you can see when new items are added to the database.
  • Create a Journal Alert: Do you have a favorite journal that you would like to see when new issues are added to the database? Create a Journal alert and when new items are added you will be emailed.

Introduction to ATLA

Watch this video for an overview of what ATLA offers you!