Researchers must register each time they visit the Archives via the electronic Researcher Registration form found on the Archives Research Room LibGuide. Patrons may access this LibGuide via the Research Room laptop. The link to this LibGuide is also bookmarked on the chrome web browser.
While the researcher is completing the Archives Research Registration form, you may leave the researcher in the Archives Research Room and retrieve the requested item(s) only under the following conditions:
If a researcher is interested in the Francis A. Schaeffer collection, contact Jonathan Lawler (ex. 2220) or Drew Dickerson (ex. 2254) before proceeding. The stipulations regarding this collection are outlined at the bottom of this page.
The following stipulations govern the use of Archives and Special Collections in the Library at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. While our collections are here to be used, these policies help us protect and preserve research materials for future generations.
Security for the unique (and sometimes fiscally valuable or confidential) resources entrusted to us by donors and the institution of Southeastern is a significant issue. These policies help us protect and preserve research materials for future generations.
Key Access and Use
Archives Storage Area Access and Use
Breaches of the Archives Security Policies above will result in the removal of access to the archives key.
Archives Security Check Procedure
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) serves as the custodian of the Francis A. Schaeffer Papers which are owned by the Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation. The policies and procedures below reflect the stipulations and permission requirements set forth in the contract between SEBTS and the Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation. See the Francis A. Schaeffer Studies at Southeastern Research Guide for more information.
Access to the collection at SEBTS requires the approval of Dr. Bruce A. Little, Director of the Francis A. Schaeffer Collection. Researchers may access the collection during normal Archives hours with an approved Access Request Form. No material in the collection may be removed from the archives reading room and no copies (digital or print) of the materials may be made. Additional details about access policies are stipulated in the Access Request Form.
The following are the steps a researcher must take in order to access the Francis A. Schaeffer collection.