The Archives at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is the research home for unique, primary source materials documenting the history of SEBTS, the Southern Baptist Convention, and churches, organizations, and individuals that have contributed to Baptist life and the cause of Christ.
Our Collections
These materials include rare books, personal papers and organizational records, SEBTS institutional records, and Baptist materials and church records.
Explore our finding aids, legacy inventories, and information about new acquisitions below.
Finding Aids
Archival collections (personal papers and institutional records) are discoverable by using finding aids which provide contextual information about a collection, its components, and the person, family, or organization that created the materials it contains. Finding aids also provide important information about access policies for a collection and usually include an inventory that helps you identify the portions of the collection that are most important for your research.
Wherever your home and base of research are located, odds are there are archives nearby and online resources that can enrich your research. The following pages are intended to help you discover these resources and plan for productive research whether you are a Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) student who regularly visits campus, a distance student in close proximity to other religious archives, or a lifelong learner interested in discovering historical resources online.
Discovering Archival Resources at Southeastern
Learn about the most efficient ways to discover different types of materials in Archives and Special Collections at SEBTS.
Discovering Archival Resources at Other Institutions
Learn how to find archival resources that match your research needs in other archives.
Planning for Productive Research
Learn how to prepare and plan for a productive research visit at SEBTS or another institution.
Identifying Primary Sources
Learn how to distinguish between primary and secondary sources in your research.
A growing number of archival resources and primary sources from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and other institutions are available to researchers online.
SEBTS Digital Resources
Learn about unique resources from Archives and Special Collections in the Library at Southeastern that are accessible online and primary source databases that are available to SEBTS students, faculty, and staff.
Baptist Digital Collections Guide
Learn about digital collections from other archives that are of interest to researchers studying theology and Baptist history.
Archives and Special Collections (ASC) in the Library at Southeastern actively collects materials documenting the history of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), the Southern Baptist Convention, and churches, organizations, and individuals that have contributed to Baptist life and the cause of Christ.
Donating Materials
While ASC will collect broadly within these areas to support the needs of students and faculty, specific emphasis will be placed upon acquiring materials documenting the following topics that build upon the core holdings currently in our collection or grow new areas of strength to support primary source research within emphasized areas of the SEBTS curriculum.