Creator(s): Montgomery, John Warwick, 1931-
Date(s): 1934–2013, predominant 1953–2000
Extent: 72.75 cu.ft
Biographical Note: John Warwick Montgomery (1931 - ) is a noted lawyer, Lutheran Theologian, professor, and prolific writer. He is one of the leading evangelical apologists and thinkers of the latter half of the 20th century - early 21st century. Montgomery received his A.B. from Cornell University (1952), a B.L.S from the University of California, Berkeley (1954), an M.A, University of California, Berkeley (1958), a B.D. from Wittenberg University (1958), a M.S.T. Wittenberg University (1960), a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago (1962), a Ph.D. in Protestant Theology from the University of Strasbourg, France (1964), an M.A. in Philosophy in Law from the University of Essex (UK) (1983), and the LL. M. (2000) and the LL.D. (2003) from the University of Cardiff, Wales. He was ordained as a Lutheran minister in 1958.
Montgomery’s professional career is long and illustrious. He taught history and Christian thought at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (1964–1974), taught law and theology at George Mason University (VA, 1974–1975), was theological consultant for the Christian Legal Society (1975–1976), directed international studies at the Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg (1979–1981), founded the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (CA) where he also served as dean, taught jurisprudence, and directed the European Program (1980-1988), taught theology and law at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary (WA, 1989–1991), taught law and humanities at the University of Bedfordshire (UK, 1991–1997), served as vice president of academic affairs and taught apologetics and law (UK and Europe) at Trinity College and Theological Seminary (IN, 1997–2007), taught law at Regent University (VA, 1997–1999), taught philosophy and Christian thought at Patrick Henry College (VA, 2007–2014), and was the Distinguished Research Professor of Philosophy at Concordia University (WI) (2014-2017). Dr. Montgomery is currently Professor-at-Large at the 1517: The Legacy Project in Irvine, CA. His work for this organization is carried on in Europe where Dr. Montgomery resides.
His literary efforts include the writing or editing of about 60 books, as well as the writing of over 200 journal articles and about 35 book reviews. Among his more well-known books are the following: The Shape of the Past (1962, rev. 1975); The “Is God Dead?” Controversy (1966); Crisis in Lutheran Theology, vol. 1 (1967) and vol. 2 (1973); Where is History Going? (1969); Damned through the Church (1970); The Suicide of Christian Theology (1970); Christianity for the Tough Minded (Ed., 1973); God’s Inerrant Word (Ed., 1974); Demon Possession (1976); In Search of Noah's Ark (1977); Faith Founded on Fact (1978); Principalities and Powers (1981); Slaughter of the Innocents (1981); Evidence for Faith (1991); and Tractatus Logico-Theologicus (2002). Dr. Montgomery's most recent books (in English, French, and German) are published by the Verlag fuer Kultur und Wissenschaft, Bonn, Germany. A number of these books are available in the United States from Wipf and Stock or New Reformation Press.
In 2008 B & H Publishing Group, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, published a festschrift in honor of Montgomery’s contribution to evangelical scholarship and apologetics entitled Tough-Minded Christianity: Honoring the Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery. In his Forward to the book, Paige Patterson, one of the architects of the Conservative Resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), credits the impact of Montgomery on himself and others as a central factor in what Patterson called the “Bible-believing renaissance” in the SBC.
Scope and Contents: This collection contains paper documents, audio-cassette tapes, reel-to-reel audio tapes, video-cassette tapes, and books, dating from 1934–2013. The collection reflects Montgomery’s student and personal life, his teaching and preaching ministry, his activities as a lawyer and administrator, and his work as an author. It documents how Montgomery’s legal expertise, encyclopedic knowledge, and keen wit have influenced a generation of evangelical scholars.
Language(s): English, French, German, Swedish, Romanian, Spanish, Greek and Turkish
Conditions Governing Access: This collection is open for research. Please contact the archives staff in advance to inquire about conducting research in the portions of the 2014 addition that are currently being processed.
Custodial History: This collection was held for several years at the library of Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. It was transferred to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) in November 2005 at the request of John Warwick Montgomery. Additions to the collection were donated to SEBTS in 2014 and 2018.
Processing History: Arranged and described by Craig Freeman in June, 2006. Collection level description created by Bill Youngmark on 2016/03/22. The 2014 addition was processed by Dustin Toone in 2018. The 2018 addition was processed by Ryan Lott, Archives Assistant in 2020.
Preferred Citation: John Warwick Montgomery papers, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
Repository: Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
Resource Identifier: ARC.011
Subjects and Access Points:
Christian Apologists;
Christian Lawyers;
Strasbourg Study Program;
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, Illinois);
International Academy of Christian Apologetics (Strasbourg, France);
American Lutheran Clergy;
Evidential Apologetics;
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod